
Monday, December 31, 2012


Does anyone else have fabulous icicles like this at their place today?  Truly one of winter’s magical gifts.
It gave me the idea of doing a little photo-documentary of favourite winter moments.  Believe me there aren’t that many as far as I’m concerned.  So it may improve my perspective to be on the lookout and capture them as a reminder.  In that vein I went searching for some of the Photo A Day type lists that are posted as inspiration.  SERIOUSLY DAUNTING!  So instead I’ve come up with my own list for a Photo At Whim of moments…items…scenes that capture the magic of winter in this desolate land.
So here’s my short list.  In no particular order.
A fire in the fireplace.  OK I lied.  I started with my favourite.  Jack Frost.  Skating.  Snow covered branches.  Snowflakes.  Icicles…check.  Sledding.  Hot chocolate.  White on white.  A snowman.
Hmm.  Bit of a short list.  Maybe there will be others that come to me as the season goes on.
Here’s to making the best of winter.