
Monday, February 11, 2013

Snow Day

OK friends.  It’s time to get back to my little project of documenting some iconic winter moments. 

This weekend Mother Nature sent us the most enormous snowfall of the season so far.  In fact the most enormous in a couple of years.  Thanks so much.  By the end of two days there was a thirty centimetre plus accumulation.  No school buses.  No school.  So with all Family Members dispatched to begin the monumental task of clearing snow I headed out with my camera in hand.
Here we are in the backyard at about mid-snowstorm.  I was hoping to get a beautiful photograph of individual pretty snowflakes.  I even googled to get some tips and ideas.  I should have started out by building a little hut for myself a la ice-fishing.   It seemed  it was going to take the same amount of patience.  And frostbite.  After a foggy lens, frozen fingertips and no success I move to Plan B.



This is the way to enjoy a snowstorm.  From inside.  Looking out through the window.  Now I’m not convinced there really were any very pretty snowflakes anyway.  But this was cool how they clumped together in these shapes against the windowpane.


Here they are piling up from below…


…and piling down from above.
A lotta snow.  Out there.