
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

DIY Stencilled Slate Coasters

Stencilled Slate Coasters |
Hello on a dreary rainy weekday.  The season of showers…well, rain showers and Baby/Bridal showers…continues.  So let’s talk about something pretty, crafty and fun for one of those special occasion showers, shall we?
So I had an upcoming bridal shower.  My soul was in need of a creative outlet and I was going to have time to stop in at my local Michael’s during my daily run-around.  I browsed through my Pinterest boards for some ideas, and was inspired by this great idea from The Graphics Fairy.  A set of slate coasters stencilled with white glass paint for a chalkboard effect.
Stencilled Slate Coasters |
These plain slate coasters are available from Michael’s in sets of four, round or square, already tied with raffia.  Embellished with a stencilled design, and wrapped up with a bit of chalk for fun, they make a fantastic gift.  Also great for a housewarming party or as a hostess gift. 
Stencilled Slate Coasters |
All of these supplies…coasters, stencils, paint, and foam paint brushes…are available at Michael’s.  The variety of stencil patterns is extensive, including lettering.  Monogramming as The Graphics Fairy did would also be a fun way to go.
Stencilled Slate Coasters |
Because these were for a Bridal Shower gift I thought they should be wrapped up beautifully.  I found this perfectly sized seagrass basket at Solutions to store them in, and added my full-on gift-wrap.  You can find details about gift basket wrapping here.
Stencilled Slate Coasters |
Then, because I was on a roll with the stencilling I decided to embellish a chalkboard-looking tag as well using black cardstock, a white Sharpie and the same stencils and paint.  And then I noticed that there was a heart-shaped stencil that I hadn’t used yet…
Stencilled Slate Coasters |
…and used it to decorate the gift bag.  OK I guess I’m done now.
Congratulations to the Bride-To-Be.  May your home often be filled with guests and good cheer.