
Monday, June 24, 2013

Stencilled Coasters in Tumbled Marble

Stencilled Marble Coasters |
Happy Monday and Happy Heatwave to you!  The heat and humidity have finally descended upon us in true Canadian form.  But just recall the months of complaining about the long winter and lack of spring…do you remember?…and be grateful for the summer.  You knew it was going to be like this!
But now doesn’t this look like part of a scene to look forward to at the end of a long hot day?  A little relaxing and a beverage out on the patio?  Let me show you how to make these beautiful coasters to help you set the scene. 
Stencilled Marble Coasters |
Actually, you may have already seen this demonstration done with slate coasters here.  But see how changing just a couple of elements…the type of tile and the style of stencil…can give a completely different look.  So the Martha Stewart glass paint is the same, and this stencil is from the same package as well.  These tiles are literally tiles…tumbled honed marble, 4 inch by 4 inch from Home Depot.  And I’m trying to achieve a more lacy, vintage, French look so I chose this stencil pattern to start with.
Stencilled Marble Coasters |
By layering the stencils or using them in combination you can create your own unique patterns.  Also with these tiles, I did add some adhesive rubber dots on the corners to prevent them from damaging tabletops or other surfaces.
Stencilled Marble Coasters |
What do you say?  Join me for a little rustic vintage moment out on the patio?