
Monday, June 10, 2013

Summer Reading

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Happy Monday morning all.  It is incredibly rainy out.  Again.  But a whole brand new week is ahead of us.  What are you setting out to accomplish?  Here everyone is off to school, the dog walked and towelled down, laundry is on the go and dinner is in the crockpot.  I was hoping to take my lunch out onto the patio and order some books for summer reading.  Sigh, instead I’m at the kitchen table looking out at a wet wet world.
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Maybe putting plans in place will help to hurry summer along.  Please.  Please…
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So I’ve just finished 419 by Will Ferguson.  It was a Book Club read and I highly recommend it.  We had a such an interesting and engaging conversation, and it really opened our eyes to the current realities in other parts of the world, particularly Nigeria where parts of the story take place.
Next in my stack is Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell.  Husband has just finished it now I gotta read it before we watch the movie.  That’s the rule.  So while I read it the next set of books will be on it’s way for summer reading.
DSC_0391_summer read_002So here’s what’s being ordered.  The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe. which I think is first on our list for Book Club in the fall.  Chosen by our book club leader who’s picks are always stellar.  Looking forward to this one.  Also on this list, And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini.  The same author wrote The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns, so looking forward to a compelling and epic beach read.
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Finally on this order is The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion.  It was well reviewed in the paper as a Summer Read and looks maybe a little light and quirky.  Hopefully a good contrast to the other epic and heavy reads.
So that’s the plan.  I ordered them all in hardcover, so that after they’ve been read and lent out a few times they can take their place in the home library.  Hopefully the covers are good colours.  Yeah, my bookshelves are colour co-ordinated.  It’s kind of a thing.
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Of course there will probably be a few more rainy days too, when something like these will be all I feel like.
How about you?  What’s on your summer reading list?