
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christmas at my Kitchen Table

Christmas at the Kitchen Table -
Hello friends, old and new.  How did you spend your Christmas days?  Were you among family and friends or among welcoming strangers?  Were you home or far from home?  Was it a season of noise and plenty or of minimalism and quiet?  I hope that your soul was filled with what you were able to give and receive.
Today I’m posting a small snapshot of our own Christmas Day which fell in the middle of other celebrations with both extended families and friends. A perfect day spent all together under the same roof, mostly in pj’s, with a magical white winter wonderland happening outside.
We didn’t do glamorous.  We didn’t do fancy.  We didn’t dine.  We hung out in the kitchen…working and eating and playing together…and it was everything that our Christmas Day should have been this year.

Christmas at my Kitchen Table  Decor
Table decor was inspired here.  A red patterned tablecloth from the Superstore has served us well all through the holidays, and I get out all our Christmas mugs.  Brunch was a casserole… prepared the night before and baked during stocking opening…and fresh muffins.   Recipes to follow in a later post.  Also clementines (which start happening 24/7 around mid-December), hot coffee, hot chocolate and cranberry juice.

Christmas at the Kitchen Table - at my Kitchen Table  Brunch
Christmas at the Kitchen Table -
Once that was lounged over then cleared away, the turkey went into the oven, cranberries cooked and dessert made.  Then out came Ticket to Ride which was under the tree from Santa to the whole family.  You may have seen this one on Instagram or Facebook, and sounds like there were others playing it too.  It’s a good one.  And more fun at the kitchen table.

When it was time for turkey dinner, I added some candles to the table and dimmed the lights.  There was lots of food and it was all simple and delicious…turkey, premade stuffing, cranberries (recipe from the back of the package), potatoes and gravy, vegetables.  We sat around the kitchen table and had a homey family dinner.

Christmas at the Kitchen Table - at the Kitchen Table - at the Kitchen Table - at the Kitchen Table -
Dessert was incredibly decadent chocolate pots from Trish Magwood’s Dish Entertains, recipe here.  Seriously.  Incredibly.  Decadent.  Non-chocolate lovers need not apply.

Christmas at the Kitchen Table -
And that was how it happened at the kitchen table on Christmas Day.  The party always end up in the kitchen, so we just set it up there and kept it going all day.  Good family times, good memories.  I hope you had some of the same, or even better.