mantel chalkboard
So that was November. That kind of no-man’s land between Thanksgiving and Christmas here in Canada. It was a lot busier behind the scenes than it was here on the blog. When I wrote a “behind the scenes” post in October I wasn’t necessarily planning on writing one every month, but since a few happenings in November were somewhat blog-related, I thought I would recap them here.

Remembrance Day
On the home front, Personally Junior was excited that his grade was presenting the Remembrance Day assembly at school, and he read his portion beautifully. That weekend Miss Personally came home to attend her high school commencement, and was duly awarded for her accomplishments there. The following weekend Personally Teen passed his driving test to get his license and so we have a fourth driver in the house. A week of some nice successes.

from our family photo shoot
You’ve seen our labradoodle, Mars, around here from time to time. We keep her in foster care for a breeder, which means that she has a family home with us to live in, but once a year we say good-bye to her when she goes to have her puppies and wean them. This year she left us at the beginning of October and we were pretty happy to have her back with us again a couple of weeks ago.

puppy dog eyes
I wrote a list of Gift Wishlist for Photographers for Virginia’s blog over at Fynes Designs. She compiled an amazing list of 50 gift ideas for creative people from bloggers of various genres. If you’re looking for ideas check out my suggestions plus the rest of the list from the other bloggers too.

(graphic courtesy of fynesdesigns.com)
And over at Melissa’s blog The Sweet Escape you can read all about an event I photographed called Be The Maker. Melissa designed and taught this craft workshop hosted at West Elm in Toronto where everyone learned how to make pretty watercolour napkins, and then made a set to take home. Follow her blog if you don’t want to miss out on the next workshop in this series! Also she has a contest going on now to win a full set of 36 of the Bic markers used at the workshop, so head on over to enter.

* be the maker * the sweet escape *
And finally on the last weekend of the month I took a vacation in Montreal which I won courtesy of Strauss Water Company. You may remember they hosted an event I took part in at the Delicious Food Show back in September, which included entry into a draw for a trip. So there you go, sometimes you win.

c’est moi
So that gives you a bit of a taste of life away from the blog. If you follow me on instagram you’ll have seen what I did with Miss Personally’s hair when she was home, what Personally Teen got for passing his driving test, some more pics from Be The Maker and also from the train ride and visit to Montreal.
And also, make sure you don’t miss what’s happening on the blog too. Here’s what I posted in November:
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Happy December to all of you!