Hey everyone! Can you even believe that half a year has gone by? … yikes! How’s your year going so far? It was one of my New Year’s resolutions to take and post a #photoaday on Instagram for all of 2015. My goal was to try to keep up my creativity and learn something about my own strengths and weaknesses as a photographer. I figured the halfway point is a good place to review and see how it’s going… and here we are, halfway.
Instagram Fun: Half a Year of #photoaday
Thursday, June 25, 2015 by
Andrea Hunter

Hey everyone! Happy first week of official summer. If you’re like me then you’re looking for more cold and refreshing snacks lately. And also spend less time in the kitchen and more outside. Let’s break out the popsicle moulds and make these smoothie creamsicles.
* pin me *
Thursday, June 18, 2015 by
Andrea Hunter

There’s always a place for some coastal or beach-y decor during the summer, don’t you think? Either at home or cottage or cabin, or for your summer special events. These are inspired by a Pottery Barn hurricane, but you can make them for a fraction of the cost. Come and see how.
* pin me *
Monday, June 8, 2015 by
Andrea Hunter

Hey everyone! After the weeks months of planning and prep that have gone into this project by a huge group of Canadian bloggers, it’s pretty exciting to announce that here it is…
* yaaaay! *
I love a collaborative project, and this was a collaboration in spades. Spearheaded and directed by Melissa at The Sweet Escape who is super-talented and creative. Make sure you browse through her blog sometime for tons of handmade and vintage prettiness and inspiration.
Friday, June 5, 2015 by
Andrea Hunter

Happy Friday everyone! How was your first week of June? I don’t know about you, but the first of the month totally caught me by surprise. But now we’re into it full swing and it’s definitely time to think about summer-y things…like ice cream!
* now available in the etsy shop *
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