Hello friends, old and new. How did you spend your Christmas days? Were you among family and friends or among welcoming strangers? Were you home or far from home? Was it a season of noise and plenty or of minimalism and quiet? I hope that your soul was filled with what you were able to give and receive.
Christmas at my Kitchen Table
Tuesday, December 24, 2013 by
Andrea @ PersonallyAndrea
Wishing all of my readers a very Merry Christmas this year. May you find joy in your celebrations, comfort in your sorrow and hope in the birth of the babe for whom this day exists.
And the angel said to them, Fear not: for behold I bring you tidings of great joy which will be for all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour who is Christ the Lord. (Luke 2:10-11)
Thursday, December 19, 2013 by
Andrea @ PersonallyAndrea
…and I realized that Personally Junior had done nothing crafty to add to his teachers’ Christmas gifts. What??!! How could that have happened? Well, the truth is that with only one child left in elementary school a lot of that type of thing becomes a last-minute thought, or even an afterthought. Sorry PJ, you see how it is. But really, there are also a lot of perks to not having your mothers’ undivided attention, right?
Sunday, December 15, 2013 by
Andrea @ PersonallyAndrea
Gift-giving is a huge part of what makes the Christmas season what it is. Some of us have long lists of people we’d like to give to, and some of us have only a few we’ll exchange gifts with. Either way, to me two of the most important elements of a gift are that it has a personal touch and that it’s beautifully presented.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013 by
Andrea @ PersonallyAndrea
Photography is one of the best ways to capture some of the magic of the Christmas season. And all the lights we have strung up outside and inside provide a beautiful backdrop for preserving some of those moments.
Simple Christmas Florals: Carnations & Candy Canes
It’s so great to have a little floral arrangement to brighten up a corner of your countertop, kitchen table or desk. There’s just something cheerful about having a bit of greenery and fresh floral scent nearby. And guess what? It’s super easy to put them together yourself. Here’s what you do…
Monday, December 2, 2013 by
Andrea @ PersonallyAndrea

It’s hard to maintain an element of simplicity at Christmas time. The stores and the internet are bursting to overflowing with everything from sublime to ridiculous, all advertised as must-have and must-do this year. On the weekend all my bins of Christmas Past came out of storage. To be honest, I took out a few things and set them up, then closed the bins to be put away. I played a board game with Personally Junior then we watched A Charlie Brown Christmas. (The first of many times this Christmas, probably!) So here for the next little while I’ll be sharing my few attempts at keeping it simple, but still Christmas-y and worthy of the season of celebration.
It’s hard to maintain an element of simplicity at Christmas time. The stores and the internet are bursting to overflowing with everything from sublime to ridiculous, all advertised as must-have and must-do this year. On the weekend all my bins of Christmas Past came out of storage. To be honest, I took out a few things and set them up, then closed the bins to be put away. I played a board game with Personally Junior then we watched A Charlie Brown Christmas. (The first of many times this Christmas, probably!) So here for the next little while I’ll be sharing my few attempts at keeping it simple, but still Christmas-y and worthy of the season of celebration.
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