Hello again, everyone. I took myself a little technology holiday and went camping. Thank you for allowing me that leisure. But today is Re-entry Day One. Yikes, it’s a tough one. Suddenly my hair looks pretty wild. And when did my manicure start looking so ratty? And what do I even wear besides sweats or a bathing suit? Not pyjamas and flip flops, I guess…
Well, we managed to fly out of the house this morning in some semblance of civility. Without blueberry pancakes, eggs and two cups of coffee, though. But now there is an explosion of sandy, leafy, damp Stuff coming out of the utility trailer in the driveway. I sense it creeping towards my front door. I think I’ll just hide out here in the back yard for awhile and look at some of the pretty pictures I took.
Very soon, all this civilization will seem normal again, maybe even good. And I might even wonder, why do we go camping? And you might wonder too. So here are some of the pictures that remind me why…
Well, of course there’s that…but really that’s not what it’s ALL about.
It’s about the freedom. From watches, schedules, technology, mirrors. (See fashion photo, above.) And the enormous space. Space to be, and feel, and gain perspective, and run without agenda or destination. These are luxuries not often afforded to me. Maybe you too.
There is no other time when the important activities include finding frogs, getting buried in the sand, hiking along the shore for a picnic, catching the sunset.
And the last events of the day are stargazing and counting shooting stars before zippering everyone into sleeping bags and tents. We are lulled to sleep by the sound of croaking frogs, calling loons, and the winds blowing through the treetops. 
That’s why we go camping.
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