Photo Finish 16: Easter Wreath | Personally Andrea: Photo Finish 16: Easter Wreath

Photo Finish 16: Easter Wreath

Friday, April 18, 2014 by
Photofinish 16 | Good Friday |
I’ve had this wreath for many years.  I think I just bought it at the Superstore but I really like it and always find a place for it around Easter.  And do you know how to make a cross from the palm leaf you get in the Palm Sunday service?  I don’t, so I keep mine that someone made for me years ago.  It’s dry and brittle now.
It’s a simple photo in honour of Good Friday.  Death and life can exist too close together.  Sadness and joy sometimes come one on top of the other.  We wonder whether we should despair or hope.   No doubt, there is too much death, sadness and despair in the world right now.  Be reminded this weekend that there is also life and joy and hope.  

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