Hi there friends! We spent last weekend finally getting the patio and deck furniture out of storage. It was even hot enough to sit out and enjoy it for awhile. Are you anticipating hotter days too? It got me to thinking about a quick recipe I always meant to share on this blog, so here it is… my Mom’s homemade iced tea.
* pin me *
When we were kids still living at home, it was my sister’s and my job to keep the iced tea jug filled during hot summer days. We always served it when entertaining. Also my dad would drink epic amounts of it (still does) when he was working and building around the house and yard (as he still does). We made so much of it, and the recipe is so simple, that we quickly had it memorized after the first or second batch each summer.

* just three ingredients *
And because I love tradition, of course my kids have learned to make it too. It’s great to be able to delegate jobs when you’re entertaining or just trying to get dinner on the table, and this is an easy task to pass along.

* tea + lemon + sugar *
As a side note for my lovely American readers, especially in the South: I appreciate that what we know as Iced Tea is what you would call either Sweet Tea or Unsweet Tea. Clearly the first is with sugar and the second is without. I totally love ordering Unsweet Tea whenever we’re in the south…just because you can...it makes me feel super-hip and in-the-know. And then I add a ton of sugar. #imanerd

* start with your favourite tea *
So here’s the way my mom taught us to make it: In your regular teapot, brew a tea with three teabags (or an equivalent amount of loose-leaf tea). Let it steep for 5-10 minutes, until it’s very strong. Take out the teabags and let it cool slightly. Then, in your serving jug, mix the brewed tea with 3/8 of a cup white sugar and 1/3 cup lemon juice and stir till the sugar is dissolved. Add cold water to fill the jug and refrigerate. Serve in tall glasses over ice.

* lemon slice garnish, of course *
If you need a little trick to remember things (like I do) then remember the threes: 3 teabags. 3/8 of a cup sugar, 1/3 cup lemon juice. You can do it. I have faith in you.

* one for you & one for me *
Cheers to another warm weather weekend! Thanks so much for coming by to read. And don’t forget, you can sign up to receive new blog posts right into your inbox, right here or over on the sidebar. Next week I’ll be announcing something a tiny bit fun and exciting…that rhymes with jetsy...so you don’t wanna miss it!
Also, some more summer-y recipes…

Roasted Tomato Soup // Easy Caprese Pasta // 4 Ingredient Quesadillas
See you next time,
xo andrea
linking to thoughts from alice, diy dreamer, monday funday, talented tuesday, your turn to shine,
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