Ornamental corn in one of the prettiest elements of fall decor. Simply arranged in a cylinder vase tied with rustic twine keeps the corn contained but still highlights the beautiful colours and shapes of the cobs and husks.

* fall prettiness on my desk *
Like many decor ideas, this one came about as a happy accident. I started with one idea that wasn’t really coming together, but with a little trial and error, came up with this result.
(I don’t usually post the little arrangements I make for around the house, but social media followers were pretty excited about this one so I thought I’d expand my little photo into a whole post. You can see more photos and ideas like these over on my Instagram feed and Facebook page, come follow along! Click on the icons over in the sidebar --->).
This ornamental corn isn’t always easy to come by. At my grocery store they were only selling the miniature ones, as part of large bag including mini gourds and some other faux fall decor. I had almost decided that I should just use that, when I spotted what I thought was a table full of corn husks as I was driving by this roadside farmer’s stand.

* can you spy the corn? *
I only bought two bunches of three cobs, since I wasn’t sure exactly what I would do with them yet… They sat in a basket on my front hall table for a long while. It was fine, but just seemed a little unfinished. In the back of my mind I was picturing the corn standing upright so that the husks could poof out at the top. #poofisaword But I was debating between a group of multiple vases or one large one, and the sizes of what I had to work were making it hard to figure out. This is why I can’t sleep at night.

* these are the cobs I chose *
Then, happily, this extra large cylinder vase came into the house which had been part of someone’s biology assignment for school. Really. The dimensions of it are 12 inches (30 cm) high and 6 inches (15 cm) in diameter. It perfectly fits six ears of the ornamental corn with the husks poofed out at the top. Then, because I always like to add a finishing touch, I wrapped a long length of jute twine around the vase several times and simply secured it with a knot. Then I tucked in a pretty coloured leaf foraged from the yard and just left it to dry naturally in the arrangement for a rustic fall look.

* foraged *
Just a little trial and error and determination resulted in something pretty. I moved it to my desk after a few days because I didn’t have any flowers there. #priorities
* where I can enjoy it all day *
When fall decor days are really over, I have plans to use the corn kernels in some handmade birdseed ornaments to hang outside. You may see my version of them here closer to Christmas. If not, there are lots of ideas over on Pinterest… why don’t you make some with me? Or for more handmade ideas, click here and here.
Hope you’re enjoying the end of the fall days.
lxo andrea
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