Dear fellow coffee lovers,
This photo finish is for you. We’ve been in Montreal this week and when we asked our hotel bartender where we should go for breakfast she advised us that the best coffee in town was at Olive + Gourmando. She was right. Not that we tried every coffee in town but it was definitely in the top…..maybe five?… I’ve ever had. And I’ve had a bit of coffee in my life. Just sayin’. The restaurant was also très chic and satisfied my love for all things chalkboard, chocolate and coffee. The lattés were served like this. I am now going shopping for a set of these tumblers so I can serve my lattés like this too. Plus now I need a set of long-handled spoons apparently. On this morning we were sitting at a counter facing out of the front window of the café. People-watching, drinking trendy delicious lattés in Old Montreal in an epically cool café. It doesn’t get much better than that. I’ll be attempting to re-create this scene in my own kitchen. Maybe just substitute bird-watching for people watching. Probably.
Dear fellow camera lovers,
This photo finish is for you. I have a new lens and a new lens love. I saved up my pennies and bought an 85mm 1.8 prime lens. That means the lens doesn’t zoom in or out, and the aperture or f-stop goes to 1.8…really shallow focus, lets in lots of light and makes these fantastic blurred-out backgrounds to make your subject really pop. I think my new calling in life is to take photos with this lens. If you’ve worked with a 50mm lens already and are pretty comfortable with it then I really recommend this one. It’s a bit bigger and heavier so it’s trickier. And I’m still learning to judge my distance when taking photos. But it’s so. worth. it. My pictures are turning out so clear and I love the compression. I can’t wait to start taking some portraits with it.
Happy Photo Finish Friday!
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