Well, I’ve decided it’s a valid question since I haven't published a post since the end of November! ... and so far no big welcome to the new year from me with goals and resolutions, or even a top-ten from last year list. So what’s up?

diy kate spade inspired desk
Here’s the truth. Blogging is hard. It takes a lot of time. A. Lot. Of. Time. Besides producing the posts, there is lots to take care of behind the scenes technically, organizationally and social-media–wise. And on top of all that, this website is due for a big overhaul. The project galleries, the newsletter, my About page… just a few of the things on a long list of stuff due for an update. And the technology side of it really likes to argue with me and make my life difficult at the worst times. Which is always. I do have a long-suffering husband who loves to bail me out of my technical troubles (I’m pretty sure he does anyway) but he’s usually pre-occupied with other things. Like earning money. Pfff.
coffee station printable clip board art
The break from blogging has been good for me. I had time to pay attention to a lot of other things, like work and family, and celebrating the holidays. I did persevere over on Instagram though, where I completed a 365 project, meaning I posted a photo every single day in 2015. I know it’s not world-changing or anything, but on the other hand there’s not many things I can say I’ve done every single day for a year, and it’s fun to check accomplishments off your bucket list. Thanks to all of you who followed along, I wouldn’t have done it without your support! These were some of my favourite posts…the monthly clipboard calendar flatlays…
via instagram
…and apparently they were some of yours too! You can check out my #bestnine2015 here and see if any of your other favourites are there.
best banana cake from scratch
But back to blogging, where does that leave me for 2016? If you’re interested to know the professionals’ views on the state of blogging this year, please head over to these two excellent posts by Rambling Renovators and decor8. But…well… I’m sorry to say that personally I don’t have any grand expectations or fascinating new plans for my little blog. I do love this space though, and I’ve missed you while I’ve been gone, so for now I’ll just carry on bumbling through with posts about this and that… some projects and recipes and photography.
oh hello sign + chalk painted console table
I’ll still share my tried-and-true ideas and also sometimes it’s fun to experiment with something new. I have a few successes to share in the baking department, so stay tuned for those! I already have a post planned for Valentine’s Day, and there will be some DIY projects that come along, as well as the usual seasonal changes of florals and decor.
hand stamped labels
I hope you’ll stick around! Magically, the attention to this blog hasn’t really declined while I’ve all but ignored it. Pinterest has been helping me out, are you following me over there too? The posts I’ve featured here are some of the ones getting the most views via Pinterest, you can click through on them if you missed out when they were first posted. Also, I added and reorganized some of my pin boards over the holidays. Come on and take a look at what’s new. *Click here*.
homemade orange cream milk bath
While you’re getting all caught up, if you haven’t subscribed to the blog yet you should do it now. Then when I come up with my fascinating new plans for the newsletter, you’ll be the first to know! It will show up right in your inbox without you having to search for it…genius! *Click here*.
Well while we’re talking social media, can I just say that Facebook is a complete mystery to me? Why doesn’t it show me the posts I want to see? And why do Facebook pages need to get such poor visibility… aka “impressions”? Not cool Facebook, not cool. But I am over there on a Facebook page, and if you’re not a blog subscribing kind of person then I always share my new blog posts on Facebook, so you can search them there. Also some of my Instagram pics and some good things I find on Pinterest. So it’s not the worst place if you’d like to like it. That would be awesome! *Click here*.

simple ways to take top-down photos
Did I mention that these flatlays are really fun to do? I shared some tips in this post, and I’ll be adding to those tips this year since I finally invested in a good tripod at the Boxing Day sales. If you’re a tripod user you can help me out with this one. What do you use yours for?
Well, this was photo heavy and a little wordier than usual… but I have a bit of catching up to do so I hope you’ll forgive me! I also hope you’ve all had a fabulous start to the new year, and have some things to look forward to like I do. So the short answer is, YES, I’ll blog. Let’s do this!
xo andrea
Sharing is lovely...